True Scoops Chocolate Cake

September 22, 2023 1 min read 1 Comment

True Scoops Chocolate Cake

Who doesn't love homemade cake? Whether it's in a loaf shape, stacks of classic layers, or as whimsical cupcakes, it's one of the greatest desserts... after ice cream of course! But the two make a perfect pairing, so we've developed a recipe using True Scoops Chocolate Ice Cream Mix to make CAKE! Now you can have the best of both worlds coming from one mix.

Our small, but mighty pouch of ingredients has just what you need to make a quick and chocolatey cake at home and only requires a few added things like flour, eggs, brown sugar (in the form of our salted butterscotch sauce mix!), and oil. Nothing earth shattering, so not to worry - you should have most of these in your fridge or pantry, and hopefully some True Scoops too!  

We want to prove that if you think outside of the box, you can make so many things with True Scoops mixes including the sauce mixes. 

You could even make a poke cake with this recipe. What's a poke cake? It's when you take a warm cake out of the oven and poke holes in it using a skewer, chopstick, or something similar and pour over salted butterscotch or hot fudge sauce. The sauce will seep into the holes and soak into the cake making it extra lush, super moist, and delicious. 

This is a simple recipe to make at home with the kids for an easy weeknight dessert or it can gussied up for a birthday party. No one is going to know it was made with ice cream mix! 


1 Response

Jean McCafferty
Jean McCafferty

November 10, 2023

I’m definitely going to try this!

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